Three years ago one girl was eagerly waiting for a phone call on the day of Lakshmi puja. She was counting each second sitting in the veranda. Her heart was anxious in the consideration of right and wrong calculation.

The call came. She was afraid of thinking about her parents’ arrival. She would be scolded if she was found with an unexpected phone call and that to be an almost unknown. What were the discussions! Examples of aptitude questions, information of different companies, inspirations of life, some funny experiences and so on. In between the phonic conversation, the girl could even remember about an algorithm she read after being told by this person. That algorithm came in her examination. Coincidences were just coincidences! She asked her heart “is this called love ? And is this love related talks? ”

The girl just wanted to know her version of Love and she got to know that we value the presence only when it is absent. Then she found her edition of Love.

Few years passed and she discovered that her edition of Love was not meant for her. It was just a gift for another person. She didn’t try to get her possession back. For her, Love is the happiness of the beloved. All those rom-com movies’ effect! But by the mean time she updated the version.

One and a half years just flew in the invention of self-soul. She learnt the meaning of likeness, but her Love remained silent. Trust, belief, notion perception took another direction in the way of life.

Three years later, another phone call of the same person made this girl astonished for one more time.

What is this called?